Soy Candles vs. Traditional Candles

June 14, 2022

Soy Candles vs. Traditional Candles - What's the deal?

Candles are an essential part of many people's lives, from adding a warm glow to their room to enjoying the comfort of a candlelight bath. But, have you ever thought about the sustainability of candles?

In recent years, soy candles have become increasingly popular, marketed as more environmentally friendly than traditional candles. But, are they really better? Let's compare them.

What's a traditional candle?

The primary materials used in traditional candles are paraffin wax derived from petroleum, animal fat, or beeswax. These candles can be made in a variety of shapes, colors, sizes, and fragrances. They are relatively cheap, making them a popular choice for many people.

Traditional Candles

What's a soy candle?

A soy candle is a candle made from soy wax, which is derived from soybean oil. Soy wax is a natural, renewable resource that is biodegradable and non-toxic. Soy candles are becoming more popular because they produce less soot and burn cleaner, which is better for indoor air quality.

Soy Candles

Sustainability - Soy vs. Traditional

Production - Resource Footprint

Soy candles have a lower environmental impact than traditional candles. Soybeans are a renewable resource, while petroleum (used in paraffin wax) cannot be replaced once it's gone. Furthermore, more land and energy is required to extract petroleum.

Soy wax production also produces less waste and consumes less energy. For example, soy wax only requires one-third of the energy needed to produce one pound of paraffin wax, and the soybean production process does not require a significant amount of water.

Emissions - Carbon Footprint

When considering the carbon footprint, soy candles also have an advantage. Soy wax candles emit fewer greenhouse gases than paraffin wax candles. Soy wax burns cleanly and produces less soot, which does not contribute to air pollution. In contrast, paraffin wax will produce toxic fumes when it is burned.


When choosing between soy candles and traditional candles, soy candles are generally a more sustainable choice due to their lower environmental impact. Soy wax production has a lower resource footprint, and soy candles produce fewer greenhouse gases when burned. So, the next time you want to light a candle, choose a soy candle and help reduce your carbon footprint.


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